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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:01 pm 
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Ummmm.... yet more "Big Ugly".... but I dont see anybody indicted.... or realistically likely to be indicted?

I see yet more people who Congress may wish to question :roll :95

I REPEAT...... The OIG investigation amount to just yet another REPORT!!


At BEST it could be a report of information that can then be investigated... Grand Jury empaneled ... indictments... PERHAPS!!

I see indications of VERY corrupt people back in 2016 protecting Hillary and going after Trump.... but not only is nobody indicted... the bastards are all still employed in DOJ and FBI and STILL going after Trump???

MAYBE... we can have an FBI investigation? Another Special Prosecutor? CRIMINAL Investigations for 2 years... from when/ if they get started?

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:38 pm 
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Weissmann, Yates, & the Politicized Mueller Investigation
Judicial Watch

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:38 pm 
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Good ole Lou Tonight covers these corrupt bastids.....

7PM Lou Dobbs Tonight 12/13/17 | December 13, 2017

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:35 pm 
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Someone please tell me how the FBI/DOJ can be both totally corrupt and at the same time the IG is some great hero riding in on the white horse. And the corrupt FBI/DOJ is going to allow the IG to expose them. Exactly who in the FBI/DOJ is corrupt. All of them or a few. And who is the few?
How many times have we been down this road? IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi. The repubs get all indignant and posture and throw fits in congressional hearings. Then nothing. They get laughed at as nutty conspiracy mongers and making a huge stink over nothing. Who exactly has been feeding certain Fox people and Sarah and John Soloman all this good info? We scream about leaks all the time. So who is leaking this stuff (not the texts, that was organized by the DOJ)? All that info about Manafort and Podesta? Right before the actual indictments were unsealed. How about a few weeks ago, the rumor of these text messages. Ok we go think this is awesome because they are favorable to our side. But they are leaks and in my book leaks rarely are used for good. Usuallly for bad and to manipulate the narrative.
These people lie and lie and lie and they dont care. They throw us a few crumbs and get us thinking that finally some justice is going to prevail and then we get sucker punched and told to go sit in the dunce corner.
You know who needs to be hung by their testicles. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell. For leaking obvious false info from a closed secure intelligence committee meeting. Few days later? Nothing. Totally ignored by the press. Move along.
You know who else can smell WalMart Trump voters? Robert Mueller and his whole damn “dream team”. You know who shops at Walmart? Black and hispanic minorities. But of course, for the media suddenly all Walmart shoppers are white trash Trump voters. So no outrage is necessary.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:28 pm 
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I agree. The IG investigation is nothing more than a report.
IF anything comes of this I will be more than shocked.
Trick me once, shame on you
Trick me twice, shame on me
Same ol'
Same ol'
We have been through all of this many, many times.
We have had all kind of evidence thrown in our faces, over and over again. My dogs could have put together a winning case.
Imagine the evidence that has never filtered out to the public.\
Where have all the "white hats" been for years and years.
Yes, we have a better chance of something being done under President Trump. But the whole of government has
been being rigged against us for a very long time and now is corrupt in its entirety.
I am now very much beginning to worry for the safety of our President.

And why do people keep saying sessions will take care of it when the ball is in his court?

I don't think Deep State was ever afraid in the slightest before now. I think they are just afraid enough of President Trump to make them more dangerous than ever before.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:35 pm 
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I'll believe it when I see a perp walk.... Hillary... Comey will do... I'll settle for one of the lower ones while waiting for the others.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:59 pm 
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hill, comey, holder, lerner, val jar, rice, powers, mcconnell, ryan, schiff, farkas, previous head of VA (whatever his name was), ben rhodes, jay carney, mccain for starters.
At that point my thirst will have just begun to be quenched.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:10 pm 
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READ Strzok's anti-Trump texts ... -here.html

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:13 pm 
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BREAKING: JW Sues FBI Over Removal of FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok from Mueller Operation (0:55sec)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:31 pm 
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Comey edits revealed: Remarks on Clinton probe were watered down, documents show
By Jake Gibson, Judson Berger | Fox News

Newly released documents obtained by Fox News reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to water down the bureau’s findings considerably.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, sent a letter to the FBI on Thursday that shows the multiple edits to Comey’s highly scrutinized statement.

In an early draft, Comey said it was “reasonably likely” that “hostile actors” gained access to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account. That was changed later to say the scenario was merely “possible.”

Another edit showed language was changed to describe the actions of Clinton and her colleagues as “extremely careless” as opposed to “grossly negligent.” This is a key legal distinction.

Johnson, writing about his concerns in a letter Thursday to FBI Director Christopher Wray, said the original “could be read as a finding of criminality in Secretary Clinton’s handling of classified material.”

He added, “The edited statement deleted the reference to gross negligence – a legal threshold for mishandling classified material – and instead replaced it with an exculpatory sentence.”

The edits also showed that references to specific potential violations of statutes on “gross negligence” regarding classified information and “misdemeanor handling” were removed.

...more at link ... -show.html

COPY Sen Johnson's letter to Wray (Comey edits included) ... -Statement

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:24 pm 
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JW President Tom Fitton: 'Serious investigation needed' for Mueller Operation, Obama DOJ/FBI
Judicial Watch

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:40 pm 
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Tom Fitton on Suing for Anti-Trump FBI Info, Uncovers New Clinton Docs, & Sues CA over Voter Rolls
Judicial Watch

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:09 am 
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It seems the OIG report that I though was due out Jan 15th is now due later... April. :doh

Justice watchdog report on Clinton email and Comey issues expected in spring
There have been ‘dozens’ of interviews in the probe of partisanship and improper FBI disclosures during the 2016 election, the inspector general tells the House.
11/15/2017 12:57 PM EST
Updated 11/15/2017 02:13 PM EST

The Justice Department’s review of alleged misconduct by then-FBI Director James Comey and others during the 2016 presidential election is almost finished, Justice’s top official watchdog told a House panel Wednesday.

“We are aiming to release the report in late winter/early spring — hopefully in that March/April time period,” Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said during a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing.

...more at link ... ion-244929

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:21 am 
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Democrats NOT HAPPY about corruption being exposed...

Democrats want to know why Justice Department released FBI texts
12/14/2017 09:26 PM EST
Updated 12/14/2017 09:53 PM EST

Democrats pressed the Justice Department on Thursday to explain why it released salacious, anti-Donald Trump text messages exchanged between two FBI employees who are still under investigation for their work on the Russia special counsel investigation.

Judiciary Committee ranking member Jerrold Nadler of New York and two other panel Democrats asked for a full review of DOJ’s decision making that led to Tuesday night’s release of about 375 texts that the FBI officials — Peter Strzok and Lisa Page — sent over a 15-month period during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Democratic lawmakers called Justice’s decision an “unusual move” after the texts were given to Congress and a select group of reporters earlier this week.
Democrats countered that the messages were private exchanges protected under the First Amendment. "Peter Strzok did not say anything about Donald Trump that the majority of Americans were not also thinking at the same time," Nadler said.

...more at link ... ats-297737

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:25 am 
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Ummm.... clearly the DIMs are being silly.

The messaging was on official departmental devices... and it was FAR MORE than just the usual anti Trump opinions... it includes evidence of conspiracy by FBI and DOJ operatives to commit crimes.... obstruct the Hillary investigation.. and damage candidate Trump and then President Trump... treason perhaps? Death Penalty stuff?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:40 am 
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General investigation led by Michael Horowitz was originally a lame-duck request (January 12, 2017) by Democrats prior to President Obama leaving office.

OBAMA DOJ OIG Initiation of Review


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:13 pm 
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So... the OIG report that I thought was to be released in January.. is now said to be released in "April"... maybe :roll
Yet another 4 months that people can claim. that they can't even start an investigation/give documents to Congress etc.
Until AFTER the OIG report is released.. and after they think about what it says for a while :roll

And we all know that the "April" deadline could be extended even further. :doh

Obviously "wait until after OIG report" is just an excuse. Nobody in their right mind really believes that FBI investigations are halted while OIG investigates department issues in FBI and DOJ.. for over a year... who knows.. could be 2 years.

Those departments are carrying on with other investigations

All very "exciting" The Big Ugly is NIGH... again ... still? :roll

The Mueller "Muh Russians" Inquisition is ongoing
Nobody (outside Trump people process crimes) is indicted.. yet
Nobody (outside Trump people) being investigated for a specific crime
No Grand Jury
Nobody fired even
Hillary still selling books
Comey has a book coming out
Eric Holder sniping from the wings
Obama still doing a "Muh Legacy" victory lap.
The TRUMP DOJ/FBI is still blocking FOIA requests on documents showing Obama administration corruption.
Jeff Sessions is still recused (asleep)

I don't see any white hats.. all ass-hats :roll

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:13 pm 
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Gregg Jarrett: Did the FBI and the Justice Department, plot to clear Hillary Clinton, bring down Trump?
By Gregg Jarrett | Fox News

There is strong circumstantial evidence that an insidious plot unprecedented in American history was hatched within the FBI and the Obama Justice Department to help elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

And when this apparent effort to improperly influence the election did not succeed, the suspected conspirators appear to have employed a fraudulent investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undo the election results and remove him as president.

Such a Machiavellian scheme would move well beyond what is known as the “deep state,” a popular reference to government employees who organize in secret to impose their own political views on government policy in defiance of democratically elected leadership.

However, this apparent plot to keep Trump from becoming president and to weaken and potentially pave the way for his impeachment with a prolonged politically motivated investigation – if proven – would constitute something far more nefarious and dangerous.

Such a plot would show that partisans within the FBI and the Justice Department, driven by personal animus and a sense of political righteousness, surreptitiously conspired to subvert electoral democracy itself in our country.

As of now, we have no proof beyond a reasonable doubt of such a plot. But we have very strong circumstantial evidence.

...more at link ... trump.html

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:38 pm 
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Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe
By John Roberts, Alex Pappas | Fox News

Exclusive — A lawyer for the Trump presidential transition team is accusing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office of inappropriately obtaining transition documents as part of its Russia probe, including confidential attorney-client communications, privileged communications and thousands of emails without their knowledge.

In a letter obtained by Fox News and sent to House and Senate committees on Saturday, the transition team’s attorney alleges “unlawful conduct” by the career staff at the General Services Administration in handing over transition documents to the special counsel’s office.

The transition legal team argues the GSA “did not own or control the records in question” and the release of documents could be a violation of the 4th Amendment – which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Kory Langhofer, the counsel to Trump for America, wrote in Saturday's letter that the GSA handed over “tens of thousands of emails” to Mueller's probe without "any notice" to the transition.

The attorney argues some of the documents include confidential attorney-client and privileged communications.

The attorney said they discovered the “unauthorized disclosures” by the GSA on December 12th and 13th and raised concerns with the special counsel’s office.

“We understand that the special counsel’s office has subsequently made extensive use of the materials it obtained from the GSA, including materials that are susceptible to privilege claims,” Langhofer writes.

The transition attorney said the special counsel's office also received laptops, cell phones and at least one iPad from the GSA.

Trump for America is the nonprofit organization that facilitated the transition between former President Barack Obama to President Trump.

The GSA, an agency of the United States government, provided the transition team with office space and hosted its email servers.

...more at link ... probe.html

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:39 pm 
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For Reference.....

A TIMELINE OF TREASON: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election ... w-fbi.html

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