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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:11 pm 
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Seeing reports that CENCOM "cooked the books"... over estimated success Vs ISIS. Earlier I saw Sate Dept spokesperson.. obfuscating and not answering simple questions. The dopes who stand up regularly as White House press spokesmen(women) are obviously LYING always evasive. Politicians MOSTLY lie.. it is so obvious. Obama lies. Crooked Hillary lies... they all lie.

A suggestion for Trump...
Spell out an undertaking to re-introduce THE TRUTH to Washington.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:11 pm 
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In all honesty... they all lie. But so does Trump.

The most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life is this: Do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe? Which is it?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:15 pm 
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If you think there is ANY comparison with Trump.. you have missed a lot.. and /or watched/read too much MSM hysteria and propaganda.

I am NOT talking about vague "Political Promises" which turn out to be lies... eg "I will create jobs" etc. Those are bad too.... but sadly common place.

I am talking blatant LIES. There are many many examples... often shown with video's of past statements contrasted with more recent events. The BEST example are ANYTHING said by Hillary throughout her entire career, as well as the historic lies (followed by impeachment) of Bill Clinton.

The choice is binary..... Crooked Hillary or Trump

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:16 pm 
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Just a thought...

Trump interviewed by Eric Bolling.. asked Trump what he thought about calls (pushed by Hannity) for Crooked Hillary to release medical records.

Trump's reply was "no.. I don't want to get into that.. I don't think it's appropriate"

It is POSSIBLE that Trump knows that if Hillary is forced to show medical records... he will have to as well, and there is stuff he does not want known. I am NOT trying to start some conspiracy theory about Trump's health.. just pointing out that he would rather NOT have his stuff made public. I think Trump supporters should back off calling for Hillary Medical records. IF she is as sick and diseased as people think.. she will naturally wilt/fall over between now and the election... Trumptards let it go :cool

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:38 pm 
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Do you think there has been enough "leaked" medical stuff that most people can make up their own mind -- how capable she is to be President? Plus all the photos and videos paint a pretty clear picture. I think there might be some info in the Wikileaks drop in October, also.

I think Trump doesn't want to get into her medical records, on principle.
Or may have been advised.

I personally think his health is all good, but that is entirely an assumption on my part. ;)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:43 pm 
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Molly...assumption :roll
I think you may have had just a small sip of "Trump Kool Aid" :)

Neither you (nor I) know what Trumps health details are :cool

We can all see he looks fit.... has drive and stamina...and Melania has a smile on her face.... Gnomesyin? :cool

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:43 pm 
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It is a no-brainer to me that Crooked Hillary should be in Jail.

Certainly the fact that MANY people agree she would NOT pass a security check, even based on the little we know, let alone the MUCH WORSE details that IMO are not being pursued... she should be ineligible to even run for POTUS. There have to be standards.. spelled out or even just a common sense standard.. something considered by Congress or SCOTUS

The Clinton's, Hillary especially, have a KNOWN history of destroying evidence. Destroying evidence is normally taken as evidence of a crime in itself. PROOF of the underlying crime. Hillary is KNOWN to have shredded documents involved with other scandals. The emails she deleted were requested for a year.. they were subpoenaed... her deletion is a crime in itself... it is fair to assume that those emails prove underlying crimes. Furthermore, given her history.. her server should have been seized at the outset to avoid her being able to delete. She was in effect gifted the ability to delete. There is a whole nest of corruption around Hillary. It would be nice to see widespread arrests and a purge of several agencies who continue to assist her as accessories.

The recent bit of "email scandal" involves emails from the 33K that Hilary deleted (and continues to lie about).. claiming none were "work related"
THAT fact alone is reason to indict, convict, and imprison her. Absolute PROOF that she deleted emails related to State department business... they involved SS personnel.
The mere fact that these emails involved The Clinton Foundation is ANOTHER crime. She was sworn to not be involved with CF while she was Secretary of State.

Look...This is kinda silly. The MSM and Clinton apologists are being obtuse. ANYBODY can see at least some crimes, a LOT of blatant lying ... to the public, to Congress under oath even (perjury). It beggars belief that Hillary is not under arrest.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:13 am 
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You make a lot of sense .. but you already know this. :D

One thing that I saw yesterday was an email, sent to HRC at her private account from a staffer, and Huma answered the email, said HRC was not available. It was short and simple, but it showed that if Huma had access to HRC's phone/email ... she was privy to ALL classified information.

I like your last line, Rumpole. :)

I keep thinking I will wake up one morning and she HAS been arrested.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:21 am 
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I guess Trump has been advised to NOT state that Crooked Hillary will go to prison once he is elected?

I think it would be a hoot if, when the crowd chanted "Lock her up", Trump replied..

"vote me in on Nov 8th and Crooked Hillary WILL be going to jail.... 100% !! "

I REALLY think a whole nest of people need to be in jail.. Lybch, Comey, Bill Clinton, AND Obama, included.

Trump COULD at least announce that on his 1st day in office he will appoint a Special Prosecutor to review all evidence, as well as look for more.

PS: A lot of TV bobble heads should be fired.. some should be in jail as well

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:27 pm 
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One of the things Trump covered today was Syrian Refugees.....

He read "The Snake"... always a crowd pleaser :)

And he has a chart.....


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:29 pm 
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Crooked Hillary HAS threatened even more (550%)

Look, we’re facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II, and I think the United States has to do more, and I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in," Clinton said.

Politfact State:
A jump to 65,000 would be a 550 percent increase.

Trump should demonstrate what the Refugee Graph would look like :95

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:41 pm 
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I see the dishonest media making the IRRELEVANT point that the US is only taking a "small" percentage of the total number fleeing Syria?? (Merkel Logic) :roll

To be fair, the number of Syrian refugees admitted into the country are relatively small compared to the millions flowing out of the country. ... g-the-us-5

These people are so dishonest. WTF difference does THAT make? The Media have still NOT got the memo..... "America First"

It is totally IRRELEVANT how many refugees Clinton/Obama have created!!!

The ONLY consideration should be.. how many can USA SAFELY take?

The answer to that is ....... ZERO!!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:58 pm 
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Politifact "ruling" ... hood-oft-/

Our ruling
Trump said Hillary Clinton "has called for a radical 550 percent increase in Syrian ... refugees ... despite the fact that there’s no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from."

The 550 percent figure is correct. To say that there's no way to screen them to find out who they are or where they come from ignores the extensive screening they undergo.

We rate the claim Half True.

HOW dishonest can you get?

In the same article, PF quote assessment of "screening"

Said Raj Shah, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, "The head of the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center in the Obama Administration have all testified that because of the lack of databases in Syria, existing procedures cannot effectively ensure that ISIS-linked terrorists are not posing as refugees and coming into the United States."

Any screening will be done by the FBI... the same CORRUPT FBI that can not find anybody to indict in the Clinton Crime family mess and nest of crime!!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:02 pm 
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So I am not going to argue that Clinton should be put in office. Frankly the recent Bush / Clinton 'dynasty' type politics bothers me.

Trump also bothers me. I am exactly the type of guy that is typically behind Trump screaming. But how in the hell did we end up with a 'binary decision' choosing between the two most unpopular candidates of all time? I think there is more nuance involved than I wish to go into.

But I agree... choose one or the other. I just wish I had a decent choice.

EDIT: What is more American than being lied to by the Clinton machine? Nothing. She is a blatant liar. However, Trump is full of shit on almost every topic once you drive him into ANY details at all.

EDIT2: I donated to Trump campaign in summer of 2015. But now I am honestly wondering if he has any clue other than that of an entertainer. I need more substance from Trump not more talking points. Also I am not interested in ANY Clinton in the Whitehouse again EVER.


The most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life is this: Do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe? Which is it?

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:12 pm 
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Also Trump is the same as any good business man. He doesn't want you to see his tax returns for simple reasons. His accountants have done their jobs.

SO he has most likely paid less in taxes (my guess 12-18%) and such than what we THINK the wealthy pay. This is the real world. Am I the only one who remembers the ROMNEY factor after his returns were released? Fact is most of us with our own businesses get tax breaks the W2 working person simply does not understand or they would be self employed.

This is why he will lay off document publication of any type toward HRC including the speeches and medical papers.

EDIT: His taxes are under audit. WHO CARES? Apparently he is audited every single year so this is not a special situation. Release them and quit hiding behind your lawyers DJT. Get it over with.

FINAL EDIT: I take my dose of the RNN (Republican News Network) FOX NEWS and I also off set that using tytnetwork and others. But I enjoy all points of view. However, it scares me to think of Hillary or Donald as our leader. Period. Binary choice my ass. Just because we only have two choices does NOT mean either is good.

The most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life is this: Do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe? Which is it?

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:09 pm 
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I agree that FOX news is CRAP (Mostly)...

... but NOT because it is "in the tank" for Trump. Even if it is "somewhat" biased to the "right". That bias would be more for "Neocons" within GOPe (and would include many Dems)

Fox News is FAR from "in the tank for Trump" DO NOT believe the taking points you hear on MSNBC etc.
Many people dont actually watch Fox, they repeat the opinion that other networks have of Fox, and show with selected clips?
Fox does air some of what other networks censor.. but only some, and LOOK at the bobble heads on fox...The nevertrump idiots like Wills and Kraphammer.

Fox has Juan Williams

Fox has Alan Colmes!!!!!!!!!!!

Fox has Whorealdo FFS!!!!!!!!

Fox has SHEP SMITH (as supposed straight (balanced) news guy).... I rest my case!!!!!!

I WISH Fox WAS biased in favor of Trump.. that would at least offer some balance to the rest of the networks

Fox have this WRONG notion of "balance".. meaning they let rabid PAID Hillary operatives on the air to provide "balance", but instead they just perpetrate the made up nonsense on all the other Networks.

Hannity opinion show, but he does back what he says with EVIDENCE.. and even he makes the mistake of thinking "balance" means daft talking points from Libtards.
Hannity makes no secret of his bias. He is a registered Republican and spokesman for "Regan Republicans ".

This is a Pro-Trump and Anti-Crooked Hillary site

General Posting Guidelines

  • IF you are PRO TRUMP... post pro Trump/anti Crooked Hillary comments.(CONSTRUCTIVE minor Trump criticism allowed) :28
  • If you are PRO CROOKED HILLARY.... fuck off!! :eek
  • If you are a delusional moonbat who thinks "Neither" is an option.... see Pro Crooked Hillary instruction above. :94

(Get 'em outta here... don't hurt 'em)

Don't be a Romney!!!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:46 am 
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Hillary Clinton Statement On Health

(Love the tongue.. nice touch) :cool

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:54 am 
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 1:12 am 
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:44 pm 
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Rumpole wrote:
Hillary Clinton Statement On Health

(Love the tongue.. nice touch) :cool
So silly, it's funny! Even the hand giving the injections is a puppet. LOL

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