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Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer
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Author:  Molly [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Now in recess. Jury will be back and testimony will resume.

This puts Dr. Hebben in a bad situation. Wondering if she will refuse to answer Defense questions about test Q's?


Dr. Hebben says test showed #PhilipChism had "positive predictive accuracy of 100% for feigning mental illness."

BINGO, this is all they need to know.

btw .. there is LIVE stream now.

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

They should NOT be revealing questions at all... its just silly...

It wont be the end of the world though... these tests are put together in such a way that key questions for any aspect are embedded with lots of others.... not so easy to tailor your answers.. well it is easy to spot if you are.. like Chism.

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

They need to URGENTLY administer IQ test and snarko-meter to this daft defense lawyer... she is a muppet!!!

Jill Harmacinski@EagleTribJill
"Anything else you want to say" Regan asks Hebben in snide tone: ADA asks for sidebar #PhilipChism

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Daft Defense is laboring the point....


Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Jury excused until 9:00 am tomorrow.

Judge WARNS them they MIGHT have to stay past 1:00pm tomorrow :eek

Imagine THAT!!!!!

Actually getting on with the trial!!! :95

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Lawyers in #PhilipChism will reconvene at 2 pm

It is ANNOYING that do not stream the sessions with Jury absent... maybe they will wise up today??

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

As far as the stupid defense woman planning to read out individual questions and responses... that is completely stupid.

It is analogous to picking out a small bit of gristle from a sausage mix... and making a big deal out of it.

NOTHING in an evaluation of ANYTHING in a psychometric test can be understood by a person (especially lay person) looking at individual questions. NOTHING!! That is part of the point of the test.. the "clues" to anything are dispersed throughout the test. For instance (Just Hypothetically) .. ... "faking bad" may be indicated by a dozen or more questions, none of which may look "that bad" taken out of context eg (again hypothetically) a question like.. "Do you like your Father"... NOTHING could be proved by an answer to that question alone.. but it may well be just one in a group of questions that (taken as a whole) has proven (in norm group) to be a reliable indicator of "faking bad"

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

This daft defense tart should just SUCK IT Up... her client got a big fat F in his psych tests... they even gave him 4 different tests and he failed the fucking LOT!!!!! He is a big fat malingerer... he was caught at it :cool

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer


Author:  Molly [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Lowy: Closing Statements may be Friday, if Govt wraps tomorrow. Thurs. would be charging conference. #fox25 #PhilipChism

Regan says she plans to question Hebben about 13 specific questions she asked #PhilipChism two months before his trial started.

Lowy: Despite the gag order, "I'm trying to keep the press in the courtroom. That's my goal."

(Globe/@BostonDotCom lawyers are also filing an objection to this gag order). #PhilipChism

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

It seems Judge Lowy will close the courtroom when questions from MFast and SIRS tests are read to jury. Decision in AM. #fox25 #PhilipChism

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

I repeat!!!

It is ludicrous for this daft woman to be reading out SELECTED questions and questioning how the answers to those questions are evaluated by a psychologist. You have to TRAIN as a psychologist to understand that !!!! I HAVE studied psychometric testing .. and I, myself would NOT question the people who have spent time and money creating these tests... over many years..they are all VALIDATED by countless trials etc... this can not be explained to a thick lawyer, let alone a Jury of lay people :stamp

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Philip Chism Trial Day 12 Part 1 12/08/15

Philip Chism Trial Day 12 Part 2 12/08/15

Philip Chism Trial Day 12 Part 3 12/08/15

Philip Chism Trial Day 12 Part 4 12/08/15

Philip Chism Trial Day 12 Part 5 12/08/15

Philip Chism Trial Day 12 Part 6 12/08/15

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  move

I have got to say again that the problem here is letting that stupid defense frump air this data at all.

It is like having a Dr giving an opinion on a medical condition.. such as heart disease..then being cross examined on raw data like ecg numbers, blood numbers etc. Selected results like that mean NOTHING to a lay person... to question them in Court is just plain stupid. the answer would be "spend 5 years doing a medical degree and you MIGHT have some understanding, but a full appreciation will come only after a 5 year study of medicine and then several years in practice seeing patients"

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  move

If Frump wants to make herself look completely stupid.. she should broach the subject of Rorschach inkblot tests :roll

Those cards (and responses) would be MEANINGLESS to a lay person (or a daft lawyer frump)... nobody could explain why it is an extremely highly regarded psych test. It is not the individual still pictures, no more than it is the individual (silly) questions, that define a test and it's value in diagnosis/evaluation. It is a PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST .. to be viewed as a whole and only makes sense to those trained to use it :cool

Example: Tell me what you see in this image


:cat :cat :cat

I see three cute black kittens holding paws and dancing... isn't that OBVIOUS? :lol

Author:  Molly [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

LOL, that's predictable what you'd see, but I don't see it. ;)

I see
two witches dancing with a headless woman.

Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

That's 'cause your R nuts Molly :cool

Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Live streams - when they bother





Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Continuing testimony from #PhilipChism psychiatrist Nancy Hebben coming up.

Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Philip Chism - Rape & murder his teacher, Colleen Ritzer

Frump is pushing on with raising test questions from psych tests... the daft bitch wont understand the explanations.. and it wont change the fact that her client is malingering re-his mental state. The court will be closed for those bits.

As with many trial I have strong desire to see the lawyers sentenced to some prison time at

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