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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:07 am 
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Stumbled on this ReviewJournal
Police taking serious but haven't authenticated images ....SMH

Baltimore police van sign: "Enjoy your ride"


Baltimore authorities are investigating after photos emerged appearing to show a sign inside the door of a police van that reads, “Enjoy your ride, cuz we sure will!”

The photos are circulating amid simmering tensions over the death of Freddie Gray in police custody, which set off protests and riots in Baltimore this year.

...more at link ... -van-sign/

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:42 am 
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Thanks, LR! :28

I saw this today, too. IMO, it is a stretch to find something out of the norm.
I can think of a lot worse signs that SHOULD BE posted in the vans.
Trying to fog the real problems in Baltimore. SMDH

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:23 am 
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I call shens!!! Looks like a poor photoshop to me as it's not level.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:39 pm 
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Lol...thought the same scuff marks...NFW pissed arrestees wouldn't deface that in a hot minute

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:56 pm 
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Don't know why they didn't show these fools' faces.
Activists burn Confederate flag in Baltimore

The Baltimore Sun
By Doug Donovan | July 4, 2015, 8:10PM

As the controversy surrounding the Confederate battle flag continues around the nation, Baltimore activists gathered in a vacant lot on the Fourth of July to burn one of the banners they said represents slavery and racism.

About a dozen members of the Peoples Power Assembly and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference gathered near Charles Street and North Avenue and circled a small grill that cradled a balled-up battle flag soaked in lighter fluid.

Before they set it on fire, members read portions of Frederick Douglass' 1852 speech, "What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?"

Lee Patterson, a member of the assembly, read Douglass' words suggesting that, to a slave, Independence Day reflected "more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham."

Patterson and fellow assembly member Sharon Black said the protest was organized, in part, to counteract the sale of Confederate battle flags and memorabilia bearing its image at this weekend's Dundalk Heritage Fair in Baltimore County.

"Burning this flag symbolizes the continuing battle against white supremacy," said Patterson, who is black.

One woman who attended the festival, Kathy Trapani of Hyattsville, purchased five Confederate flags at the event Friday and said the banner was not about white supremacy. To her, it was a symbol of history.

...more at link

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:37 am 
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Some other links about the van “sign” that may be of interest. :N14

I found the last line in the WBAL article very curious. “It was not immediately known who posted the sign or when, or how it went undetected by police officials until now.” Most of the stories I’ve found at least mention the possibility that the photos may have been altered, but they keep coming back to the police are “investigating” and taking it “very seriously”.

For the record, IANAL. My opinion is that even if the story was true, it doesn’t affect the case. Since according to some reports, the DOJ/CRD has been investigating the Baltimore Police Department for several months, I find it hard to believe such a situation would exist currently.

First, the license plate (Maryland crest image BC2316) is not the same as “Freddy’s” van (LG Maryland crest image 93597), so at worst, a van unconnected with the case may have been tinkered with (assuming it’s “real”). They have a plate number, so obviously the police investigation should be able to take a look real fast, and know if such a sign exists.

Second, I can’t imagine a cop having access to a vehicle to install such a sign and it doesn’t look like a sticker (no sign of edges or raised contour). Who had the opportunity to paint it? And if someone did it, why didn’t some other officer and/or supervisor report it and get it removed?

Third, the doors shown on “Freddy’s” van in the arrest video don’t have an inside cover on either of the doors; they have open holes into the structure of the doors that are not covered at all.

Fourth, if this were real, the sign would not be visible to a person being transported because it would be hidden behind the inner door. Why put a sign on the inside of an exterior door where your “intended target” can’t see it as they ride? If someone actually tried to do this “for real”, why not put it on the inside of the inner door where your “victim” would have to see it?

Fifth, this van doesn’t have a unit number like “Freddy’s” van, nor does it have the light and bumper strip around the top back end of the vehicle. The van in the picture has a Ford logo where “Freddy’s” van has a unit number painted on it (119581). The blue and white stripes on the side of “Freddy’s” van end at an angle; the blue and white stripes on the side of the pictured van end evenly at the brake/tail lights.

A few final thoughts, since I seem to be on a rant. :35 (Sorry.)
The City Paper piece (first link above) refers to The Free Thought Project. It quotes the alleged photographer as saying, “I didn’t get a picture of the inside, but it was meant for those arrested”. The WBAL piece has four pictures at the bottom that are supposedly the images posted by the woman and two show the inner door open and part of the “inside” of the van. That doesn’t jibe.

If you actually go to The Free Thought Project, the title of their piece is, “The Last Words Freddie Gray Ever Read? Baltimore Cops Leave Sadistic Messages Inside Police Vans”. The last sentence in the piece is, “One has to wonder, were those the last words read by Freddie Gray on his own death ride?”

I have the answer for them: NO. They weren’t and one doesn’t have “to wonder”. :TF See the third point in my comments above, and the others.

The whole thing seems to be a matter of stirring the pot and keeping people angry and upset. It continues to feed the narrative that the police are vile and sadistic brutes who bully and attack without reason.

Happy Independence Day! Thinking of you all and praying for all the best! :give Good Night, everyone. :N13

She is not where she was, she is not where she is going, but she is on her way...

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:45 am 
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wow, thanks Sue, very interesting..

and I agree, they are stirring the pot...keeping this madness going :(

happy 4th to you too :)

:17 Lisa

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:24 pm 
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Happy 4th to you, Chiclad! :87
For some reason, the crazy of that story just hit me wrong, so I took it apart. Oh, well, it gave me something to do on a slow day. :91

She is not where she was, she is not where she is going, but she is on her way...

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:48 pm 
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Thanks Sue for taking it apart. All that you noticed reinforced the absurdities that struck me.
I stumbled on this at Review Journal, noticed a CNN staffer byline and the focus on the speculation as if speculation is now the benchmark for meriting promotion as 'news' in 'mainstream' media.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:17 pm 
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Baltimore Six Update – Defense Attorney’s Repeat Call For Venue Change…
Posted on July 6, 2015 by sundance

Marilyn Mosby will be giving a speech at the NAACP convention in Philadelphia this weekend. Her indulgent publicity tour continues – President Obama and Attorney General Lynch will also be in attendance. Meanwhile….

BALTIMORE – Public interest in the prosecution of six Baltimore police officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray will not diminish enough to seat an impartial jury in the city in time for the officers’ October trials, their attorneys argued in a new court filing Monday.

Because of that, the attorneys wrote, the case should be removed from the city now — without waiting, as prosecutors have suggested, to see how the intense scrutiny of the case plays out.

“The feeling of unrest among city residents is still chillingly evident as violent crime continues to climb to the highest level in decades, police and community relations remain embattled, and Freddie Gray remains fresh in the minds of Baltimore City citizens,” the officers’ attorneys wrote.

...more at link ... ue-change/

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:43 pm 
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BREAKING: Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake Fires Police Chief Batts….
Posted on July 8, 2015 by sundance

This is severely interesting:


In a short statement sent to The Baltimore Sun, Rawlings-Blake’s office said: “Effective immediately, Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis will become Interim Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department.”

It’s unclear whether Batts resigned or was fired. Rawlings-Blake and Davis will hold a news conference at 4:15 p.m.


Earlier in the day two reports flowed from Baltimore. FIRST – The Fraternal Order of Police released its “after action report” on the police response to rioting in the city, including recommendations for how the situation could have been better managed by police commanders:

The rioting following the death of Freddie Gray was “preventable,” with the police response hindered by leadership that was concerned with image over safety, the city police union charged in a report released Wednesday.

The union, which collected accounts from officers, concluded that the “overwhelming sentiment of officers is that the Baltimore Police Department’s response to the riot was lacking in many areas.”

...more at link ... ief-batts/

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:45 pm 
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H/T Sundance

LIVESTREAM ... ive-video/

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:12 pm 
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Baltimore Mayor Fires Police Commissioner Anthony Batts
Rick Ritter
July 8, 2015 5:10 PM

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Wednesday that she has fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, 2 1/2 months after the city broke out into riots following the death of a man who was injured in police custody.

Rawlings-Blake announced her decision in a three-paragraph news release that also noted she has named Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis as interim commissioner.

In a Wednesday press conference, the mayor did not give a reason, but the move comes amid a spike in the city’s homicide rate.

Baltimore was rocked with civil unrest in late April after black resident Freddie Gray died one week after suffering a critical spinal injury in police custody. Six police officers have been criminally charged in Gray’s death.

...more at link ... -replaced/

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:31 pm 
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Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts fired

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:46 am 
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Baltimore Police Union Stymied In Their Public Records Requests Surrounding Riots and City Leadership Decisions….
Posted on July 9, 2015 by sundance

Many people were shocked when Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake fired the Baltimore City Police Commissioner (Chief) yesterday. Almost everyone was left wondering exactly why did the firing take place with such fervor following the Fraternal Order of Police report.

Having followed the political fiasco since the crisis originally surfaced it is likely the answers lie in the following paragraph:

[…] It should be noted that as part of this review, repeated requests, including a formal Maryland Public Information Act request, were made of the Baltimore Police Department to supply communications between commanders (both text and email), radio communications tapes and other documents to assist in the review. As of July 6, 2015, Baltimore City FOP Lodge #3 has only received one tape from April 27, 2015 and from only one channel — a small fraction of the information requested.

Full report pdf ... ZCi08a1YNc

...more at link ... decisions/

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:08 pm 
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That’s Rich – Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby About Police Riot Response: “folks want answers”…
Posted on July 10, 2015 by sundance

Inside a Baltimore Sun article discussing reactions to the firing of Police Chief Anthony Batts, Councilman Nick Mosby, Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s husband, gives his opinion about the police union’s post-riot “After Action Report”.


Nick Mosby says he too wants to know why the police response to the rioting mob was so ineffectual and incompetent:

[…] Mosby said he hadn’t yet reviewed the police union’s report. But he questioned why such a report hasn’t been issued by the police department itself or City Hall.

“Folks want answers,” he said.

That’s Rich.

Perhaps it was because Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake wanted to give the rioting mob “space to destroy“. Perhaps it was because the police department received instructions from Chief Batts not to stop the mob…..

…..Or, well, perhaps, just perhaps, it was because Councilman Nick Mosby himself who gave instructions to the police to ‘back off’ (see video @2:10).

Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby speaks to Racist Fox News reporter

Maybe someday they’ll figure it out. More-than-likely the citizens of Baltimore already have, and that’s why there is zero concern about the removal of the police chief, and growing calls for the Mayor to step-down.

...more at link ... t-answers/

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:13 pm 
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Bystander Throws Water On Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

CBS Baltimore | July 11, 2015 4:40 PM

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A bystander threw water on Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake during an event at Mondawmin Mall on Saturday.

Our media partner the Baltimore Sun reports a woman ran up to the mayor and poured a large cup of liquid over the mayor’s head.

“I didn’t know what it was that she threw at me. I hope it was water. It was more shocking than anything else,” Rawlings-Blake said.

Police identified the woman as 37-year-old Lacheisa Pailin-Sheffer of Baltimore. She is being charged with second-degree assault.

...more at link (photos)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:07 pm 
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'Judge-shopping' alleged in Freddie Gray case

The Baltimore Sun
By Justin Fenton | July 13, 2015, 8:31PM

Defense attorneys for the officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray are accusing prosecutors of misconduct by "judge-shopping" to get a search warrant approved.

In the latest filing in the case, the defense attorneys cite a police memo turned over by prosecutors that indicates an April 24 application for a warrant to search the officers' phones was rejected by a District Court judge, who found it lacked probable cause.

Three days later, an officer writes in the memo, a prosecutor called and said he or she had found a judge who had agreed to sign the warrants.

It's not clear what, if anything, investigators found on their phones.

The defense attorneys say taking a search warrant application that has been denied to another judge is improper. They want a hearing to determine whether any evidence obtained in the search should be suppressed.

Prosecutors have not responded to the motion, which was filed Monday. The office declined to comment on the allegation.

Staci Pipkin, a defense attorney and former prosecutor in the major investigations unit of the state's attorney's office, said the methods the defense attorneys allege the the prosecutors used would be "highly irregular."

"It's very frowned upon, because it makes both judges look bad," said Pipkin. She is not involved in the case.

David Lat, a former federal prosecutor and managing editor of the Above the Law blog, said prosecutors whose warrant applications are rejected typically seek to improve their argument or present more evidence to the same judge, rather than find another judge.

...more at link

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:36 pm 
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More Evidence Of Prosecutorial Misconduct – Baltimore Defense Attorneys Find Evidence of “Judge Shopping”…
Posted on July 14, 2015 by sundance

The ongoing mountain of evidence continues to accumulate that Baltimore Prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, intentionally manipulated the Freddie Gray investigation to construct a false case against the Baltimore Six officers.

Two significant issues. #1) Mosby was denied a search warrant, and then her office went shopping for a Judge who would approve one, a legal no-no. #2) The affidavit for the Search Warrant itself reflects the police merely detained Gray, until they discovered and illegal knife in his pocket – then he was placed under arrest.

To the second point, remember Mosby initially proclaimed the police never had reason to arrest Freddie Gray; yet now in her own affidavit -in her own words- to a judge, it is revealed the police did have cause to arrest.


BALTIMORE – Defense attorneys for the officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray are accusing prosecutors of misconduct by “judge-shopping” to get a search warrant approved

...more at link ... -shopping/

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:10 pm 
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BAD BLOOD: Marilyn Mosby’s Mom Resigned Boston Police Force After Failing Drug Test
Chuck Ross
10:51 PM 07/13/2015

The mother of Baltimore city state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby faced numerous disciplinary actions during her 20-year career as a Boston police officer, though the public wouldn’t know it based on the Freddie Gray case prosecutor’s public statements touting her family’s strong policing history.

The 35-year-old Mosby has used her family’s police ties to rebut critics who say she rushed to judgement and overcharged the six cops involved in Gray’s April 12 arrest. The 25-year-old Gray died a week later, touching off rioting in Baltimore and nationwide protests.

“Law enforcement is pretty much instilled within my being,” Mosby told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on May 1, the day she publicly announced charges against the officers. “I come from five generations of police officers,” she added, pointing out that her mother, father, grandfather and uncles have all served as cops.

But there’s more to the story than Mosby has let on.

Personnel records obtained by The Daily Caller show that Mosby’s mother, Linda Thompson, first violated the Boston police department’s substance abuse policy in 2006. After serving a 45-day rehab stint, Thompson violated the drug code again and voluntarily resigned on Feb. 1, 2008, rather than be fired.

The early retirement allowed Thompson, now 52, to draw a $1,810.69 monthly pension.

...more at link ... drug-test/

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